Jumat, 03 April 2015

Driving Course,Yes or No (extended)

Becoz tomorrow I ll have my ITEP English test (its a must in my company and I feel discourage about that), I will post something in English today. Pardon my English if it is very poor ....TT.

In my post before about driving course, I said that I ll let you know how long it ll took to be able to drive car well enough . Now is more than a year I had My Baby B (my car), and she already accompany me in many condition, heavy rain, sunny day , chill day dan now my skin become more lighter (hehehehe). And after 1 year, finally I can say that now I can drive well...yayayayayayayay....The one and only thing that can make that possible is ...practice. Yes, practice make perfect. True!!!

Everyday,  twice a day for 3 or 5 times a week I always practice.  I ride  My Baby B to my office  although my office is only 3 km  distance  from my house. As I ever told before, I live in industrial area that had very bad traffic condition ,almost everyday traffic jam happend. The best transportation mode in such condition is motorcycle, and many people change from cars to motorcycles and I change from motorcycle to a car. Crazy, isn. it?...May be . But that a sacrifice to get what I want, ability to drive well. 

After 1 month I ask friend to accompany me driving everyday, finally I try drive alone without company. At first, I felt very very nervous, especially when on uphill road (my complex have that), and got across from  my complex to highway or from my office to highway (that was very very  difficult).  Even to got across is very difficult becoz this is Indonesia, dan especially this is Bandung coret, no red light lamp here (they try to put red lamp but only make traffic jam even worse), we have only Pak Ogah (A called to someone who help cars to across the street in Indonesia). And most of people didnt want to stop his car to give us a way, motorists driving recklessly, and also angkots (Indonesian public transport similar to tuk tuk in Thailand) who have no manner on highway.

 I had to wake up early in the morning, at least I must leaved at 6:45 am (when use motorcycle I leave at 7:20,my office start at 7:30 am). If I was lucky I arrived at office before 7:00 am, but If the traffic jam was so bad, I arrived at 7:39 am and got penalty from HRD (it actually happend several times TT). Finally after 1 month  I was not nervous anymore, 1 month later I can park well, turn spins, and 1 month later can park underground or top floor with rotating road up/down, and also reach Lembang (mountain areas in Bandung) who have dangerous uphill road . So with  the worst condition such as Bandung, I need at least 5 month to drive car well. That was my experienced, diffirent people may had diff experience, some faster (becoz they reckless,lol) and some slower, even if they are a man. 

There were some scratches in My Baby B (poor her) but I was too lazy to claim insurance. But in my opinion, she  still the cutest baby ever.
So who need a ride or tourist guide in Bandung?hehehe,if u not mind inexperience driver,LOL!!!
And now time to sleep, hope can wake up early for the ITEP test, goodnight.

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