Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Kimchi, hate it or like it?

 I am English learner, so pardon my poor English (I will happy to receive some advice to improve My English)

Korean drama is popular in Indonesia. Many people sell  DVD copy with cheap price with new  or old serial of Korean Drama. When we usually spend 2 month to watch Korean Drama on TV's until last episodes, with only 30.000 IDR we can watch our favourite serial drama, without time limitation.

By that drama, we can see that Korean people like Kimchi very much. They always have it at their dining tables, and store it at fridge . Some even only mix kimchi with rice and eat as nasi campur. And the red color of Kimchi, made me imagine  if Kimchi tastes so good.

When first time I taste Kimchi at Korean Restaurant, the taste is not as good as the color, far diffirent from my imagination. Something that taste rather good on my taste is the bulgogi. The other food  who mostly have red color, for me it taste  rather plain, but becoz of my taste is universal, I can still eat that.

But recently, becoz of my activity at work, I rarely cook and eat vegetables, I usually buy my food, and only eat chicken or meat or fish with very small portion of vegetables, and usually they cook it very well (I like my vegetables not well cooked, or even not cooked at all). So I have an idea to make Kimchi by myself. It is healthy food and can last a month on the fridge.

I google about the recipe, I follow Indonesian adopt version, and taraaaa.....I have one box Kimchi for one month stock. For me, the taste is better than korean version becoz I added many sugar on it, so it taste not too sour and rather sweet and  spicy becoz I didnt have korean chilli powder, I use Indonesian chilli powder.
My first homemade kimchi...look yummy

Then someday, I packed lunch with some Kimchi, and chicken teriyaki. I had my late lunch and becoz of that I ate my lunch on my desk not at office dining table on second floor. And the noise was started. Most of my friends said that the smell from my Kimchi was very bad. They can't stand of the smell....Hmmm, and I did not feel that at all...I just smell the usual fermentated food. 

So I never bring plain Kimchi to office again. I try to make food combine to reduce the fermentated smell that most people said that was bad.  I google about it, and find Kimchi soup recipe and fried rice Kimchi recipe. The soup on the picture looked so good, so I decide to make it as a test. And that work. The fermentated smell of Kimchi change with the beef meat smell and the bombay union smell. When I take to my packed lunch and warm the soup  at the kitchen friend said, what you cooked, it smell very good. Hehehehe,  they just dont know the contain of the sup, if they know may be the will vomit,lol.

One more thing I like about Kimchi is it had good effect to my body. After eat Kimchi, plain or as a soup, my body feel warm. Now if I m not feeling well, I always make Kimchi soup, and so far it help to reduce my sickness. Like yesterday, I ate Soup Buntut Merah at some resto, it taste sour and spicy, and fatty, and after eat  that I was not feeling well. My stomach feel rather hurted and I often burp like so many wind on my stomach. I can't eat well becoz its taste bitter on my mouth. So I went to my kitchen, made some Kimchi soup,  eat when it still hot and 10 minutes later...I feel better.

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